Dedicated to reducing energy use and increasing site efficiency within the catering and hospitality sector
GO System Overview
Savings would be achieved via a reduction in site energy...
Green Optimisation provides companies & organisations with a service which adds real value to their core operations. Expectations would be that a client would typically make a financial saving per site which would be significantly greater than the annual costs of enabling the GO service to be delivered.
These savings would be achieved via a reduction in site energy use with the benefit of further savings gained from items such as electronic temperature monitoring, achieving maintenance efficiencies and reducing carbon penalties with the added benefit of 24/7 monitoring and control.
This GO service is based around reducing & monitoring energy usage whilst providing additional benefits in terms of enabling further cost and carbon reductions on a continuous partnering basis.
GO System Flexibility
Use GO to reduce energy use, reduce carbon emissions, automate temperature monitoring, reduce maintenance costs and support site reporting procedures. Treat the GO system as a remote energy manager watching and advising 24/7...
Treat the GO system as a remote energy manager watching and advising 24/7...
GO can provide a simple automated meter reading (AMR) system or a complete site energy optimisation system with Monitoring & Targeting (M&T) functionality. Your requirements will allow our design team to propose a package which can include a number of the following elements & services, these selections enable the most cost effective system to be created to meet your own projects demands.
- Energy savings are achieved by monitoring and controlling all the key areas of a site
- The installed system ensures that savings are maintained at the highest level
- A complete suite of reports are provided for each site by operational area
- A summary report is delivered monthly with 24/7 access to real time information
- Compare various sites by total use and by each operational area, identify inefficiencies
- Remove and reduce the risk of human error causing high use of any utility
- Temperature monitoring or similar is generated automatically, saving labour costs
- Installed equipment will ensure that overuse is reduced even when the site is unmanned
- An initial energy survey/report is carried out and reviewed on a six monthly basis
- The users site is monitored 24/7 and will produce an alarm to advise of energy overuse
- A manned desk will notify the user of any alarms in order to generate an immediate action
- The GO maintenance function provides preventative maintenance support
- Any equipment running outside a pre-determined tolerance will generate an alarm
- The user can then avoid and reduce costly emergency/breakdown maintenance
- External site intervention is also available providing vital remote information and control
- Justify capital purchase decisions using actual information generated from each site
- Achieve the highest return from any low carbon improvements by indentifying actual needs
The monitoring interface

GO-Support can incorporate the following options dependent on the applications demands:
It is clear that energy is becoming more important to the UK commercial & industrial market place from the perspectives of both cost and carbon reduction.
As a result businesses & organisations are conscious that they need to achieve real reductions in both fuel costs and carbon emissions.
However the general approach to this key area within the commercial and industrial market place at present is to focus on the actual opportunities available in terms of implementing tariff reductions, exploring low energy capital equipment and installing meters.
Whilst this approach is perfectly sensible and practical, the opportunities available to provide savings require a focused approach and an in-depth knowledge of how a site is actually performing.
Hence this is how the GO service will be utilised in order to provide a clear picture of energy use by each individual area within a site or building whilst providing a high level of added value to the client in order to identify, achieve and maintain energy savings.
- Energy survey, provided on annual basis
- EPC included as part of the initial survey
- Consultation meeting (six monthly) to discuss findings with areas for improvement being identified
- A complete monitoring system installed measuring energy use, temperature, efficiency and other key site specific areas
- Notification of any fault or failure via a manned helpdesk with flexible tiered service delivery levels provided (24/7)
- A preventative maintenance element is available in order to monitor key electrical & mechanical equipment and provide early warning of potential failure
- Remote operation is also included allowing for full off site intervention should this be required
- A monthly energy report issued with additional content covering industry & relevant product developments
- Each site will have access to a dashboard showing the individual level of performance and operation with reporting capability
- A multi site user will be able to rank & compare different sites in order to trend and identify performance levels & efficiency
- The system will remove any risk of human error and provide an extensive suite of information supported by a pro-active support service in order to assist with the implementation of any cost & carbon reduction measures
- The user has immediate information and access to all operational elements of a site whilst having the knowledge that monitoring is in place to identify any areas of concern and pro-actively identify inefficiencies 24/7
- Optional revenue monitoring and comparison by site providing realtime efficiency of both energy and operation
System Objectives
The energy optimisation service is able to achieve a reduction in site energy use with the benefit of providing other key benefits such as automated electronic temperature monitoring (HACCP) along with achieving maintenance efficiencies and reducing carbon penalties with the added benefit of 24/7 monitoring and control.
This Green Optimisation service is based around reducing & monitoring energy usage whilst providing additional benefits in terms of enabling further cost and carbon reductions on a continuous partnering basis.
A straightforward combination of design and project management enables a mix of high specification meters, monitoring equipment and wireless technology to achieve a fast and cost effective installation that will immediately link to the clients Green Optimisation dashboard. This dashboard provides live and up to date information that immediately creates a complete window of visibility on a sites activities & performance.
This visibility normally creates an initial energy saving of between 10% and 20% and with further continued focus provides the control & visibility required to guarantee further savings.
PLUS the system provides the added benefit of identifying further replacement systems/equipment which will achieve energy savings with a predetermined return on capital employed (ROCE).
- Achieve energy savings
- Automate temperature reporting
- Easy & practical to retrofit
- ESOS ready meters & remote reporting
- Reduce carbon emissions
- Specify for new installations
- Breeam compliant system